Harsh Tiwari
2 min readFeb 14, 2020


Basically i ll be talking about characteristics of an estimator


•Lets assume T_n is an estimator of some parameter θ from a population having density function

D(θ) .

If E(T_n )= θ for all θ∈θ(parameter space for θ), then T_n will be called an Unbiased estimator.

§ What if an estimator is not unbiased(i.e biased) ,we can calculate the amount of bias it has:

b(θ) = E(T_n )- θ,

this biasedness can be negative ,positive or zero.


An estimator T_n is said to be consistent estimator of parameter θ if

〖 T〗_n converges to θ in probability

What do we mean by Convergency with probability

  • Can any Estimator be biased and consistent at the same time ?( THINK )
  • well i would say ..NO!
  • •Let T_1 and T_2 are two estimators of some parameter θ and if
  • V(T_1) < V(T_2) for all n
  • then we will say T_1 is an efficient estimator for the given unknown parameter.
  • •Efficiency….(it is a relative measure )
  • E = v(T_1)/v(T_2)
  • E >1 when T_2 is more efficient than T_1.
  • E< 1 when T_1 is more efficient than T_2.
  • In lame words ,we can say an estimator is sufficient if it contains all the information for the parameter
  • Let T =t(x_1, x_2, x_3,…., x_n) is an estimator of parameter θ based on the sample
  • x_1, x_2, x_3,…., x_n and if the conditional distribution of 〖(x〗_1, x_2, x_3,…., x_n) given
  • T is Independent of parameter θ ,then
  • T will be called as a sufficient estimator for parameter θ
  • T = t(x) is sufficient estimator for θ ó if the joint density function( likelihood function) L ,of the sample values can be expressed as
  • L = G_θ[t(x)].h(x)
  • Where G_θ[t(x)] depends on x and parameter θ
  • h(x) depends only on x
  • NOTE: whole sample is always a sufficient estimator for its parameter .

MVUE(minimum variance unbiased estimator)

§If in the class of all unbiased estimator for a parameter ,the one having minimum variance is called MVUE.


Basically it tells us how to obtain MVUE from any unbiased estimator with the help of sufficient estimator.

Let U = u(x_1,x_2, x_3……, x_n) be any unbiased estimator of θ and let V = v(x_1,x_2, x_3……, x_n) be any sufficient est. for θ, then if

ϕ(t)=E(U/V = v)

Where ϕ(t) is independent from θ

and E[ϕ(t)] = θ and var(ϕ(t)) ≤ var(U)

THEN ,we can say ϕ(t) is a MVUE for θ

Harsh Tiwari
Harsh Tiwari

Written by Harsh Tiwari

Data Science learner|| Eager to learn new things || Linkedin :-www.linkedin.com/in/harsh-tiwari-ds

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